Category Archives: Enjoy

The Missing Ingredient To Success

Everywhere people talk about success they focus on the doing- do it faster and better. That is commendable and certainly true but that’s only one aspect of the Success Making Machine and fails to get the most of your actions. Some of the conversations even address the thinking- getting goals and planning for them. This is important because without knowing where you’re going how will you get there. But it misses using broader planning- such as the ATE system- eliminate, delegate automate to achieve success.

The biggest blunder though is missing the enjoyment. Successful people enjoy what they do. They work to make their work more enjoyable. So a goal is to make their day to day life more enjoyable.

Case in point is the
10 Essentials for Success
published on Millionaire Mommy Next Door. It addresses many important aspects of success, it even addresses passion:
Find what you love to do – you will never “work” again.

But it fails to address “Enjoy”.
* DO more of what you like, do less of what you dont like
* Do something you enjoy- refresh/rejuvenate yourself.
* Eliminate stress

More on Enjoy later.

What’s surprising is that it seems the Millionaire Mommy Next Door seems to have figured it out herself but didn’t mention it. She retired early (at 40) by realizing she didn’t need material things to enjoy life (GOAL). So now she can be retired and do what she wants (her blog and raising a family- more goals) rather than being a slave to “things”.

The Rule of Thumb for Success

A basic pillar of the Success Making Machine is if you enjoy doing something you’re more likely to succeed. There are two simple rules that can change your life, make you more productive and much happier too.

1) Do more of what you like

2) Do less of what you don’t like

Simple right?

Do more of what you like

What do you like to do? Think about ways you can get paid to do it. Think about how you incorporate it into your current job or time with your family. Find more friends that enjoy the same things you do. Think about changing your job.

Do less of what you don’t like

Determine which tasks you don’t like and work hard to think of ways to avoid those tasks. Sometimes you can barter away tasks you don’t like or other times you can eliminate them completely. Perhaps some of the tasks you don’t like aren’t needed. Maybe you can outsource or delegate tasks you don’t like.

Let’s see it in action: Do you like doing research? Make a deal with your partner that you’ll do the research and he’ll do the bulk of the writing. Do you abhor cleaning but don’t mind putting in an extra hour at work- work an extra hour and take the extra pay to hire someone to clean your house.

Think creatively and you’ll find that you can incorporate more things into your life that you do like and eliminate what you don’t like. Then you will guarantee success.

This is now submitted at Rules of Thumb, you can see details at How to Succeed.