The Perfect New Year’s Resolution

I think new years resolutions are too random- why start losing weight on January 1. It’s such a random date. I suggested you start now– whenever you are reading this. Go ahead I’ll wait.

But there is one item that makes sense to start with January 1st- gain control of of your finances. January 1st is good because you know exactly when you started your tracking. You know how to gain control of your finances, but here’s a refresher:

  • Figure out what you spend money on.
  • Determine where you can save money (I called up my cell phone company and saved $32 a month by switching to a different plan and canceling phone insurance)
  • Set up a budget- Save all you can
  • Find ways to earn more

The hardest part of this is getting started. Do you know what you spend money on? I suggest you build a system (a machine) to make this automatic. Get your bank and credit cards to automatically update your data in a personal finance program like Quicken or Money or online at a site like Mint.

There will be some setup time but in the future you’ll be able to just click a couple of buttons and you’ll know exactly where you stand financially.

How To Fight The Quality Of Life Deamons and Win

While others are wasting time making new year’s resolutions to lose weight and fail, you can set a better new year’s resolution: to improve the quality of your life.

Say No To Others

People will always be offering you new projects (because you’re so good at your existing ones) or new social opportunities- just say no if you don’t want it.

Say No To Yourself

As a high achiever you will always want to do more. Just say no to yourself unless it directly helps you achieve your goals.

Set Aside Me Time

When you set aside time to do things you enjoy don’t give up that time. Don’t let your other tasks bleed into your time.

Watch Your Goals

At all times you want to keep on eye on your goals. In every action be mindful of what you ultimately want to accomplish.

Take Enjoyment From Everything You Do

Live in the moment. Look for opportunities to enjoy what you do.

Make The Best Of Your Situation

After years of hard work a friend was recently promoted to a senior role in his organization. Now he’s complaining the challenge is gone because the team he assembled can handle everything. So he’s thinking of going to another company so he start the fight again. Rather than moving on he should seek the challenges in his current role. Try to double revenue. Try to make the company better. Try to make the world better. With the machine he’s assembled he can achieve a lot more.

Happy New Year- beat those deamons.

How To Lose Your Holiday Weight Now- Before The Holidays

As the New Year rolls in people will make their new year’s resolution- lose the holiday weight. Here’s a safe, natural way to lose the holiday weight now- no pills, no machines no exercise- guaranteed. Best of all this solution is free. Don’t gain weight over the holiday season, then you don’t need to lose it after.

The key is preparation. Read: Eat What You Love. It tells you how to eat what you love and not worry about your weight. (It’s a quick read)

The Two Minute Guide To Getting Started With Productivity

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1) Get your to do list out of our head

SAF#2The mind is for generating ideas, not storing them. Don’t keep your to do list in your head- you risk forgetting something. Plus with your mind freed from your to do list it can work on generating better ideas.

2) If It Takes Two Minutes Or Less Do It Now

If you can do something in 2 minutes or less, dont put it on any lists, just do it. You’ve already accomplished something. This is especially true for tasks you need to delegate e.g. have other people help you with.

3) Be Conscious In Whatever You Do

While working on something, even (especially) routine tasks, ask yourself, why am I doing this? How can I stop doing it? How can I do it better? Asking yourself these three questions will help you improve quality, eliminate unnecessary tasks and gives you automation opportunities.

photo credit: Roby Ferrari

Can Someone Create Automatic Wealth Without Creating A Success Making Machine

As I scanned though my huge daily reading list I saw a title that obviously intrigued me. I eagerly read  How to Change Your Work Habits and Become a Success Machine by Michael Masterson, who has written Automatic Wealth. I enjoyed the story about how he turned into a straight A student and it was motivating but he missed one of the key features of a machine: a machine is automatic (like “Automatic Wealth”). Here’s how his machine helped him:
* once he got used to sitting in front of the class (which is conducive to learning), classroom success was automated.
* once he developed the early to rise habit he automatically maximized each day
* once he developed the learning muscle- learning more, for longer hours, wasn’t that hard
A machine is not about doing hard work. A machine turns hard work into easy or automated work.

The Right Way To Take A Vacation- Five Ways to Balance

We all look forward to vacation. It’s a time to relax and enjoy ourselves. There’s just one problem- we spend the week before vacation packing, making arrangements and making sure work is taken care of. Then we spend the week after vacation unpacking and catching up. So we basically sandwiched our relaxing vacation between two hyper, active periods.

So you’re saying “at least I’m enjoying my vacation”- right? Wrong! Some people spend their vacation running to catch every tour- how is that relaxing? Others may take a “relaxing” vacation on the beach. But let’s think this through. After working hard all year and being extra active the week prior to vacation, is sitting and doing absolutely nothing for a long time good? All their creativity and energy is wasted. And just sitting isn’t necessarily giving enjoyment. Energy cant be stored from vacation and brought into real life.

The problem is there’s no balance. No balance the week before- too much activity. No balance the week after- too much to catch up on. No balance on vacation- too much or too little activity during the vacation. The solution, of course, is better balance.

Balance With Smaller Vacations

Instead of going on long vacations consider taking numerous long weekends as vacations. It allows you to have frequent balances against your daily grind. Plus you wont miss much at “work” being out for a short time.

Balance Your Long Vacations

Include a day on each side of your trip to pack and relax at home (and/or do some errands). This will allow you to start your vacation leisurely and transition to real life at the end your vacation. This way you wont need a vacation after your vacation.

Balance Your Leisure

A resting vacation (e.g. sitting by the pool) doesn’t have to be all vegging. Challenge yourself to swim some laps or have other fun in the pool- giving you some exercise. (Plus if you keep eating out this will help keep the weight off). Also have a pad next to you at all times. Now that your brain has a chance to relax you’ll find yourself more inspired with more ideas than ever.

On my recent vacation I did this and came up with this article and other solutions to problems I’ve been working on.

Balance Your Itinerary

Just because you are in a foreign city it doesn’t mean you must spend every waking minute exploring it. Do touring as long as you enjoy it- you don’t have to see everything. Take some time to “relax” also. On relaxing vacation don’t sit at the beach till the last second which would cause a stressful run to catch your plane.

Balance Your Bad Days

If you’re feeling stresses by your day to day- just take a random day off. Just sleep late and treat yourself to some rejuvenation and fun. It will give you an instant productivity boost.

So relax and enjoy your vacation.

How to Celebrate Old Age and Maintain a Healthy Diet

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This is a guest post by Winston Cole.

alegoría patriótica con orégano, IISoon we will celebrate another new year. Let us be honest but positive, we are not getting younger. While we all wish we could maintain the healthy bodies of our youth, as time goes on our metabolisms start to slow and our weight starts to increase. We stop processing cholesterol and fat as well. If we don’t get the right vitamins we can feel miserable for an entire day.

When beginning to notice such feelings, we can start by changing our diet. But keeping to a new diet can be very difficult. Choosing the right foods for the diet to work are equally as hard. If you hope to keep to your diet, lose weight and be healthier, you need to follow several important tips.

Select Healthy Foods
Your food selection does not need to be free of fats and carbohydrates like many of the dieting companies would like you to believe. What it does need to be is balanced, with nothing in excess, and made with only healthy ingredients.

Some of our regular foods today contain unhealthy levels of chemicals. These are not good for the body. It makes our organs work very hard to process unwanted ingredients in the foods. Organic foods eliminate unwanted minerals so we do not have them coming into our bodies. Healthy ingredients mean organic and natural foods. When we consume organic foods we improve our body’s processes and help it to run smoothly. You will feel better and your body will be healthier.

Other Healthy Additives
In addition to maintaining a healthy and balanced diet, there are a number of different foods that, when added to your diet, will help improve your health:

  • Green Tea – Has caffeine like coffee but will not cause you to experience the crash afterwards. Also have a lot of antioxidants which help improve your heart’s health.
  • Fish – Not for vegetarians, obviously, but fish have so many health benefits (including Omega-3 and protein) that if you can get it regularly, there are a number of benefits.
  • Coffee – Not for everyone, but some coffee every day has a number of health benefits and no consequences. Don’t let coffee myths fool you – as long as you don’t drink coffee in excess, it is a healthy beverage.

Things Not to Do With Your Diet – Dispelling Myths

In addition to all of the available diets, there are a variety of commonly held beliefs about how to improve your health and lose weight that are entirely false:

Skipping a Meal Will Help You Lose Weight

Many people that are maintaining a diet for weight loss often skip meals when they are not very hungry assuming it will help them lose weight. This is entirely false. Skipping a meal causes your metabolism to slow considerably. When you finally do eat again, you will gain more weight than you would have gained had you eaten the meal. Skipping meals is a terrible idea, and will only result in you gaining more weight as well as being less healthy.

Cheating is Okay

While no one really thinks that cheating on one’s diet is okay, many people do it anyway. By having a big dessert once every few days or binge eating on the rare occasion, the assumption is that it is okay because it is offset by your diet.

But if you have kept to your diet for a long time, then the binge eating will not be able to be processed by your metabolism and you will gain a great deal of weight. You are actually more likely to process these foods if you eat more regularly, as your body will be better equipped to deal with the excess sugars.

Water Needs to be Limited

Some people assume they will lose weight if they refrain from drinking a lot of water. Water can only benefit your weight loss, and it is a good way to allow you to feel full even when you have not eaten much, which will prevent you from eating in excess.


As you see from the above list, many people assume their metabolism is their enemy. But if you work with your metabolism (don’t deny it food, eat at regular intervals, etc.) you are going to be able to keep it more active, process foods better, and your diet will be far more likely to work.

The key to your diet is choosing the right foods and keeping your metabolism healthy. If you do, you will lose weight and stay healthy without starving yourself.

Final Thoughts on Metabolism

Metabolism is not something you should take for granted. You can keep your metabolism high by lowering your stress and eating regularly. In addition, exercising and building your muscles causes your metabolism to increase. A high metabolism means better processing of food and a healthier and fit body. Keep to your diet. Avoid myths/misconceptions. Exercise so you stay as fit as you want to be.

About the Author

Winston Cole is very passionate about life. He views life as a journey and not a destination. Winston’s favorite hobby is traveling. He loves to go on Cruise ship vacations. He can help you if you are interested in contacting a cruise vacation planning guide.

Life can be beautiful but you have that power to make it so by your thoughts, actions and associations. Winston challenge is, every now and then, go and enjoy good scenery, eat well and exercise in pleasant surroundings. He suggests that you begin planning your cruise vacation. Who knows you may like it and discover something wonderful.

photo credit: tnarik

Balance: Start Running Your Life

About a year ago I started running, but I don’t always enjoy it. So lately on Sunday morning I’m inviting my son if he wants to come along. He’s 8 so he can’t quite keep up (one day soon I’ll have trouble keeping up with him) but it’s about having fun together. Here’s what we’ve done to make our routine compatible:

  • We run for as long as he can (I jog) then walk and talk then run when he’s able (he has good speed/stamina for his age). It’s not a full workout for me but I’m spending time with him and it’s fun time for us. Also people say this system of starting and stopping (interval training) may be more effective.
  • I run, he bikes. He’s faster biking than running and he doesn’t have to take breaks. After one round of this I asked him if he wants to do another one (I usually do 2 rounds around the neighborhood) and he was enthusiastic.
  • Maybe next time he’ll try rollerblading while I run.

I turned running time into a bonding experience. Balance is the key- I don’t try to push him because fun is the ultimate goal.

I’m not advocating starting a running routine. I’m advocating spending time together.